Swamp wickerbeasts are similar to their terrain cousins but have their own specialtraits to help them with their natural habitat, hence their name. Swamp wickers are mutations of the standard subtyping that advanced over time to be semi-aquatic. These critters can breathe and interact with underwater life in fresh water sources. Their pelagic cousins are a salt water mutation of swamp DNA.

A swamp should always have horns and tail spikes. A swamp
is able to have one to three rows of spikes going down their tail.
Spikes should not be kaiju / "reptar" looking but more spike/nub
looking. These spikes can go up their back. They have no fins
between any spikes. A swamp's underside scales on their tail is
optional while the webbing between their hands and feet is not
an optional feature of the subtype.

Regarding their biology, swamp subtypes are a little leaner due to consistently swimming in their natural habitats. Swamp's are able to swim up to 55 miles per hour at peak. Their fins between their hands and toes is a bit thicker to help push more water behind them.
In Swamp clans, a swamp's tail is a very prized attribute culturally. Tail size (girth) and displays of combat / force are important to impress a mate. Without a tail (or a docked tail), a swamp has to work three times as hard and sharpen their skills in other areas to live effectively.
Swamp tails tend to be heavily armored texture wise. Their spikes are incredibly durable and it takes quite a lot of force to break them. So often, swamps swing their tails without worry during combat. A swamp's tail is likely to be damaged however if going against an aerion's club-like tail or a dweller's large tail claws. They are particularly careful around these opponents because the tail spikes do not grow back.
Swamps are able to stay under water for up to an hour and a half. They are able to hold their breath this long because swamp's have the ability to “tank up” on an air supply. They will typically stay underwater until the air supply is depleted and then return to the surface. Unlike pelagics, swamps typically cannot communicate under water outside of using coded hand signs.
Background image by the lovely ThatCreatureJuk.